Student Accident Insurance Coverage

Protection for Your Child at Hastin International School

Annual Premium and Coverage

Annual Fee: 1,000 baht per student

  • Coverage Amount: Up to 10,000 baht per incident
  • Coverage Period: Full academic year

Onsite Emergency Procedures

If an accident occurs at school:

  1. Our trained staff will provide immediate first-aid assistance
  2. Parents will be contacted as soon as possible after the incident
  3. For severe cases, the school will arrange immediate hospital transport
  4. A staff member will accompany your child to the hospital if needed

Outside School Procedures

If an accident occurs outside school:

  1. Seek medical treatment within 48 hours of the incident
  2. Submit the following documents to the school office within 3 days:
    • Original medical receipts
    • Doctor's certificate
    • Relevant medical documentation

Coverage Includes

Our comprehensive insurance covers accidents that occur:

  • On school premises during regular hours
  • During school trips and external activities
  • Outside of school hours and premises
  • During holidays and weekends

Important Notes

  • Coverage begins only after full payment of all school fees (including tuition and other fees)
  • No deductible applies
  • Maximum coverage of 10,000 baht per incident, maximum 10 incidents per year
  • Coverage is valid 24/7 throughout the academic year
  • Insurance claims will only be processed if school fees are paid in full

For more information about our student accident insurance coverage, please contact our school office.